Corporate Governance
The Accounting Authority, which is the board of the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA) comprising of 15 members and one ex-officio member being the Chief Executive Officer, has a responsibility if overseeing the business of the entity.
The fiduciary duties carried out by the board are underpinned by the principles of good corporate governance, supported by structures and processes that are in compliance with the legislation governing the mandate bestowed on the CATHSSETA. These are the Skills Development Act, (Act No.97 of 1998)), the Skills Development Levies Act (Act No.9 of 199), the Public Finance Management Act (Act No.1 of 1999) and the Treasury Regulations.
The CATHSSETA is committed to the objectives and principles of transparency, accountability, integrity and subscribes to good Corporate Governance.
Accounting and Reporting
Since the CATHSSETA is designated as a Schedule 3A Public Entity according the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) (Act No. 1 of 1999), the organisation is required to report to the relevant Executive Authority who in this case, is the Ministry of Higher Education and Training.
Roles and Functions of the Board
The Accounting Authority is the highest decision-making structure of the CATHHSETA. The roles and functions of the Accounting Authority include the provision of strategic direction; ensuring effective control, proper governance; accountability; compliance with statutory requirements; management of institutional risk; liaise with stakeholders, participate in chamber committees with specific terms of reference and monitoring of the SETA’s performance.
Stakeholder Representation
In compliance with the Skills Development Act (Act 97 of 1998), the CATHSSETA’s business is largely driven by its stakeholders. To this end the organisation is required to have representation from Organised Business and Organised Labour. In accordance to the constitution that was adopted following the landscaping of the SETAs in 2011; the CATHSSETA’s 15 member board is constituted by a ministerial appointed chairperson, representatives from Organised business, including SMMEs, representatives from government and independent representatives.
Since the year was a precursor under the NSDS III era, new committees were formed to further ensure proper governance and provide ongoing stakeholder relations and management by board.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is chaired by the chairperson of the CATHSSETA board, Advocate Brenda Madumise and is responsible for the management and implementation of operational affairs of the CATHSSETA. The committee also ensures adherence to legislation, regulations and procedures. The specific functions of the Executive Committees are to present the annual budgets, business plan and the Sector Skills Plan (SSP). These responsibilities also extend to the consideration and monitoring of financial operations as well as overseeing the legal affairs of the organisation. This committee is further responsible for the management of other standing chamber committees within the CATHSSETA.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee, chaired by John Davis, acts as an advisory committee of the CATHSSETA Board and the Executive Committee on all matters relating to financial performance as well as internal controls of the CATHSSETA.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee, chaired by Caroline Rakgotsoka, was established in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulations that relate to finance. This committee must evaluate and make recommendations to the Accounting Authority in respect to financial matters such as the budget cashflow and financial statements. The Finance Committee must also advise the Accounting Authority on matters relating to remuneration of staff and the Chief Executive Officer of the CATHSSETA and must also ensure that the Board and Committee members’ remuneration is in accordance with the requirements of the PFMA and the Treasury Regulations that relate to finance and the remuneration of the said members. The committee must present quarterly and annual financial statements to the Audit Committee.
Governance and Strategy Committee
The Governance and Strategy Committee chaired by Brian Magqaza, is established to provide strategic direction in all skills development planning for the sector and to develop all policies, principles, criteria and guidelines that are necessary for the SETA’s administration.
Skills Planning Committee
The Skills Planning Committee chaired by Joseph Maqhekeni, is responsible for all chamber activities within the CATHSSETA. These include the identification of the education and training needs of the sub sectors as outlined in the SSP, ratification of the business plan and its alignment to the budget, ensuring quality assurance of all activities and related programmes.
Learnership Committee
The functions of the Learnership Committee chaired by Fihliwe Nkomo, is to monitor the implementation of learnership plans and to review outcomes and expenditure under learnership plans. This committee must advise the CATHSSETA on the implementation of learnerships to enable reporting to the Department of Higher Education and Training. This is in relation to the CATHSSETA’s role in the establishment, registration and providing support for learnership implementation as a Sector Education and Training Authority as provided in the Skills Development Act. The Committee also approves establishments and registration of SAQA registered qualifications as learnership programmes with the Department of Higher Educatin ad Training.
Quality Assurance Committee
The Quality Assurance Committee chaired by Rita Wilson, is responsible for the management, on behalf of the CATHSSETA, of the quality assurance functions and obligations of the SETA in its role as an Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) Body, as provided by the South African Qualifications Authority Act 58 of 1995 and the Education and Training Quality Assurance Regulations of 1998. The main duties of this committee are to evaluate, approve and oversee the implementation of the CATHSSETA’s Quality Management System, business plan and legislative functions, as well as perform any other quality related function as delegated to the Quality Committee.
Bid Adjudication Committee
The Bid Adjudication Committee chaired by Mike Tsotetsi, considers the recommendations of the Evaluation Committee and makes the final award. Members of this committee ensure that a transparent review of the evaluation is undertaken. This committee consists of the CATHSSETA board members and managerial staff. The specification, evaluation and adjudication processes must be within the ambit of section 217 of the Constitution as well as the prescripts contained on the PPPFA and the associated regulations.