Mandatory Grants are paid by the Seta if the company fulfils the requirements to receive the grants.
In order to qualify to receive the mandatory grant, the levy-paying employer has to meet the following criteria:
- Be registered in terms of the Skills Development Levies Act.
- Be an up-to-day levy-payer that is registered in terms of the Skills Development Levies Act. The skills development levy is imposed to encourage learning and development in South Africa and is determined by the employers’ salary bill. The levy is 1% of the salary bill. Companies with a wage bill of less than R500 000 do not have to pay this levy.
- All levy payments need to be up to date at the time of the approval and for the reporting period.
- Employ a skills development facilitator.
- The WSP and ATR are submitted by the required deadline.
- The WSP for the previous reporting period has been submitted and implemented according to the prescriptions for implementation by the particular SETA.
- Any employer who has a recognition agreement with a trade union will have to provide proof that WSP and ATR have been subject to consultation with recognised trade unions and they have been signed off by the relevant union.
CATHSSETA pays mandatory grants every quarter.
Please refer to Mandatory Grant Policy and Mandatory Grants User Training Manual.
Please click here to read an important notice about SDF registration. To access the Mandatory Grant system, please on the links below click here.