Call for nominations for additional members to serve on CATHSSETA Audit and Risk Committee
CATHSSETA invites applications from suitable candidates to serve as additional members of the Audit and Risk Committee commencing in November 2016
In accordance with section 5(1) and 77 of the Public Finance Management Act (Act 1 of 1999) as well amended by Act 29 of 1999) (PFMA), and Treasury Regulation 27.1, CATHSSETA invites applications from suitable candidates to serve as additional members of the Audit and Risk Committee commencing in November 2016. Applications are invited from various fields of professions that will add value to the organisation.
Fees are paid based on Treasury Regulation 3.1.6 and 20.2.3 applicable to members of Audit & Risk Committees appointed from outside the public service.
- Degree or equivalent with proven Senior Managerial experience
- Be independent of the organisation
- High level of integrity
- Ability to offer new ideas and dynamic suggestions to the organisation
- Have the necessary leadership and personal qualities
- Have the ability to lead and participate in the discussions of risks, finances and internal controls
- Have a good understanding of the committee position in the governance structure
- Have the ability and capability to conduct the Audit & Risk Committee affairs efficiently and effectively
- Have a sound knowledge of issues, legislation and regulations affecting CATHSSETA
- Membership of recognised professional body
- Proven expertise and experience in the following fields
- Financial Management and Accounting
- Auditing, governance and compliance
- Risk management & internal control.
For any enquiries kindly email:
A detailed CV/profile with certified copies of qualifications, training and competencies achieved should be submitted to The Office of the Administrator for attention Administrator, P.O. Box 1329, Rivonia, 2128 or at CATHSSETA Head Office reception on 1 Newtown Avenue, Killarney, 2096 on or before 10 November 2016.