QCTO Symposium

Dear Valued Stakeholder


The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) is planning to host a symposium in Gauteng Province on the 21st of February 2019 (venue to be confirmed soonest). The focus of this symposium will be on – Skills Development for Livelihood and Employment as a way of addressing the increased rapid rate of the cohort of persons not in the employment, education and training. This symposium will explore as explained in the invitation – ways in which skills development programme can make a difference.


Please click here for invitation . Your organization can RSVP maximum of 3 delegates.


You can extend the invitation to your stakeholders who might have interest in this symposium.

2018/19 PIVOTAL PROGRAMME (STRATEGIC PROJECTS) WINDOW Opening Date: 13 January 2019 Closing Date: 04 February 2019 at 16h00

CATHSSETA invites applicants to apply for funding any of the following:-

• Training of 374 SMMEs, NGOs/, NPOs and Cooperatives on the following Unit Standards.
• Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) projects that are aimed at assisting beneficiaries to obtain
formal recognition for knowledge gained throughout life, such as in workplace and own experiences.

  1. Advert for Pivotal programme, 13 Jan 2019
  2. Acknowledgment-of-CATHSSETA Policies
  3. Application Form
  4. Asset Register
  5. CATHSSETA-Declaration-of-Interests
  6. TOR for Pivotal Programmes ,13 Jan 2019
  7. Strategic Projects policy, final
  8. Final 2018-19 DG Policy

All applications must be emailed to Specialprojects@cathsseta.org.za . No applications will be accepted after the deadline. Couriered or hand delivered applications will not be considered.