Invitation To Comment On The Draft CATHSSETA Constitution
The Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (“CATHSSETA”) is a sector education and training authority duly established in terms of section 9 of the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No.97 of 1998). In terms of the Government Notice, CATHSSETA was placed under administration on 15 October 2014. In terms of the Government Notice, the Administrator is empowered to review the CATHSSETA Constitution.
The CATHSSETA hereby invites members of interested and affected stakeholders, including members of the general public, to comment on the draft Constitution of the CATHSSETA in writing. The draft Constitution is available on the CATHSSETA website at (under recent articles).
The deadline for submitting written comments is Friday, 26 August 2016. Written comments and enquiries must be sent to:
Post: The Administrator
P.O. Box 1329
South Africa
Tel: (011) 217 – 0600
Enquiries can be sent to the Administrator at
Click here to download Draft CATHSSETA Constitution